From a basic office chair re-cover, to a lounge suite or a full antique upholstery restoration, the same care and attention to detail are given to every piece of furniture. Our services are guaranteed and hassle-free.

Upholstery & Re-upholstery

Upholstery service specialising in domestic, commercial and antique upholstery restoration using contemporary and traditional techniques.

Commercial Upholstery

At Launceston Upholstery we offer onsite upholstering service for all business needs from office furniture, bench seating, bar tops and fronts, bar stools, etc.

Repair & Restoration

Launceston Upholstery offers furniture repair and restoration service including hand stitched edges, sprung seats and backs, spring edges, frame upholstery repairs, restoration & polishing.

Diamond Buttoning

For customers who want beautiful and elegant patterns through Diamond Buttoning (Tufting) or deep diamond pleating to help elevate the stylish accent of your upholstered furniture, we definitely have the skills needed.

Cutting, Sewing, Fitting & Trimming

For all other upholstery needs from cutting, sewing, fitting and trimming, contact us for a FREE quote.

Custom- Made Loose Covers & Cushions

Launceston Upholstery offers fully customised services such as custom-made piece of loose covers and cushions to match the fabric work of your furniture; and design and mood of your home's and/or workspace overall interior design.

We specialize in all furniture re-upholstery, restoration and repair of:

Antiques, sofa beds and sofas, lounge suites, chairs of all sorts, dining and kitchen chairs, recliners, bed settees, tub chairs, office furniture, bench seating, ottomans and stools, screens, bed heads, cushions covers and inserts, bolster cushions, scatter cushions, louse covers, bar tops and fronts, bar stools, chaises, foot stools, outdoor furniture.

robert_langham_upholstery_Launceston Upholstery swivel chair

We supply fabrics, leathers and vinyl

One of the most important decisions in having your furniture re-upholstered or Custom Built is the question about what to cover it in. At Launceston Upholstery, we work closely with our fabric suppliers to stay in touch with market trends including the latest colours, patterns and compositions, so that you can make an informed choice based on the right information.